Remember the days when you would talk for hours on the telephone? We’re pretty sure that a lot of folks out there went through the “teenage phase” of spending countless hours on the phone with friends or a sweetheart, as if there’s no tomorrow. This often came with reprimands from parents to “get off the phone”, or at least, to “keep that call short; someone else might be calling”.
Today’s customer contact center agent experiences pretty much the same thing. They talk on the phone (for around 8 hours or so), and are constantly reminded to keep things short. In fact, they are told to “K.I.S.S.”
Before your dirty mind starts running wild, let’s make it clear that these phone reps aren’t whispering sweet nothings into the other party’s ear. Moreover, KISS means Keep It Short and Sweet.
As the phrase suggests, call centers try to adhere to a strict time limit per call. In most cases, this varies between five to 10 minutes per call, depending on the nature of the service they’re offering.
When taking orders, for instance, order taking service reps must try to keep a balance between establishing customer rapport and getting down to business within that time span. If a client goes on to tell their life’s misadventures, politely steer the conversation towards the business at hand.
For SMEs, for instance, short calls bring more money. Short but sweet calls, however, bring in more satisfied clients—and true profit.
So agents, KISS.
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