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As SMEs, your first priority is to always save enough money. So why not get an Order Processing Call Center?

Generally speaking, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have two options when it comes to bolstering business profits – either increase sales or cut back on costs.

While more effort is usually applied to the first option for obvious commercial reasons, the reality is the more feasible approach is the latter.

So in this article, we will break down the amount you are saving by hiring an Order Processing Call Center.

3 $0 Ways to Do Before You Outsource?

Before jumping to the gist of it, let us discuss first the ways you can save money.

Here are some them:

1. Plan

The first step toward achieving your financial objectives is to write them down.

This may seem self-evident, but many first-time entrepreneurs find the process of writing a financial plan either too daunting or unnecessary in the early stages of their business, so they skip it entirely. 

If you’re tempted to follow suit, here us out first.

Making a financial plan forces you to assess where you are now, where you want to go, and how you intend to get there. 

It also forces you to remember the big picture when you’re feeling bogged down by the day-to-day of entrepreneurship. It helps you get an understanding of the amount you need to save and spend.

And that is very helpful to any businesses.

2. Network

Do you agree that the larger your professional network, in general, the better? 

Every person you meet has the potential to be an advisor, a customer, or a business partner. And, in the beginning, it can actually help you save money by converting your time and skills into currency. 

Not to mention, the easiest way to accurately forecast how much money you’ll need to invest in your business is to talk to people who have started similar businesses, or who advise those businesses.

A good starter is to use your social media for this one.

3. Free tools and apps

If you are a small to midsize business owner, you might’ve  wished for more free time and resources. 

However, these days, “free” goes a long way. So why not utilize it?

Hire no one or buy expensive software until you’ve tried out a few tools and figure out exactly what you’re looking for. 

In the beginning, just experiment to see what works and what doesn’t, then rinse and repeat.

Why Outsourcing Order Processing Call Centers Help You Save?

After trying out free tools and planning the financial journey of the company, it is time to outsource.

One of the main reasons that companies outsource is that it helps them save money. To expound on that, here are five other reasons why order taking call centers can help you save:

1. Cutting Down the Hiring Cost

One of the first costs a company faces when pursuing in-house development is the cost of hiring. 

To find the right developer, you’ll need an applicant tracking system, a human resources team, resume scanning, or even recruitment services. 

However, outsourcing reduces the cost of lengthy screening and multiple interview rounds. Call centers usually have a way to process Order Taking agents faster and more efficiently.

2. No Cost Of Training Employees

Every day, a new technology or an update to an existing technology emerges in the digital ecosystem. 

Training in-house teams to keep the information current can be costly. This can be resolved through outsourcing. 

Working with remote tech teams can help you avoid this. If you need to get your Order Processing agents to be the best customer service provider, your call center partner can do it for you.

They have already an established way to train their agents. Even more so, they hire real trainers with years and years of experience.

3. Saves You Time

Time is money.

Social media management, order processing tracking, content creation, email marketing, admin and filing, and invoicing are all examples of smaller tasks that can be outsourced. 

Taking these responsibilities away from your desk allows you to concentrate on growing and improving your company. You’ll also save time on project management because every task you outsource is now in the hands of a specialist.

This means no need for prolonged planning and review meetings. Simply brief your call center partner and they’ll take care of the rest. The process is simple, fast, and cost-effective. And that is ultimately why so many businesses do it.

So How Much Can I Save?

Savings can mean both intrinsically and extrinsically. Here are the definition of both in a call center context:

  • Extrinsic refers to all external factors such as money, equipment and infrastructure. In a nutshell these are tangible things.
  • Intrinsic value, on the other hand, refers to internal factors such as performance, behavior, and purpose.

Extrinsic Value

With an order processing call center, money will never be an issue. Why? Let us take a look at these calculation for a moment:

Salaries and Benefits$141,284
Customer Service Manage$45,726
Hiring costs$20,645
Office space$48,000
Software and Hardware$3,600

This is the total amount of cost per year if you decide to have an in-house outbound call center.

The payment per number of hours for your online agent order processing is not yet included there.

As you can see, it will cost a fortune just to pay for a service you can get at a much cheaper price.

Depending on the call center pricing structure, outsourcing them can save you anywhere from 20% to 30% of the total cost. It’s because you won’t have to spend as much money on office space, software and hardware, or hiring costs.

And it can still go lower than that.

Hiring from one of these countries can help you save a lot:

RegionOutsourced Call Center Pricing (per hour)
The United States/Canada$20–30
Western Europe$40+
Eastern Europe$12–25
Africa/Middle East$15–20
Latin America$8–18

The single most important cost factor in outsourcing call centers is location.

As a result, selecting a call center in the US or Europe over one in the Philippines will have a significant impact on your call center costs.

These figures are a good starting point for estimating costs if you’re a small to midsize business.

Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic values cannot be determined at first look, it is the amount you can indirectly save by hiring a call center partner. Usually they are KPIs.

Look at this table:

KPIsAmount Saved
Average Handle Time (AHT)A good AHT can give you a savings of $13-14 per agent.
First Call Resolution (FCR)A low FCR rate can give you a savings of 10% more of usual operating costs.
Customer Satisfaction (CSat)A high CSat can help you retain customers and avoid losing 95% of projected income.
Agent Turnover RateA good Agent Turnover Rate can help you save around $7,645.

KPIs can help you. Not only to better understand how your service team is performing right now, but they can also help you run your operations more efficiently, lower your expenses and enhance job satisfaction.

So for the next time you look for an inbound order taking services provider, look out for their Key Performance Indicator.

Here are other intrinsic values you should consider:

  • Experience
  • Goal and Objective
  • Scalability
  • Adaptability
  • Flexibility
  • Fluency
  • Empathy
  • Customer Centrality

Having a better understanding of what matters and not can help you save a lot.

Automated Telephone Order Taking That You Can Trust

We are Order Taking Philippines, the #1 Order Taking service provider for SMEs.

We are one of the few ISO-certified order processing services companies in the Philippines, with 10+ years of experience in the industry. You can guarantee that behind everything we do is attention to data security.

If you want to know more about who we are and what we do, just shoot us a message.

You can contact us by clicking here.