Same-day delivery: To many folks, these seemingly simple words can actually mean a lot of things. It can be a great way to attract clients (especially when speedy delivery is of the essence), or it can likewise be a premium service—depending on how you look at it. Either way, it can be a great order fulfillment feature.
And you know what? Google actually seems to think so, too. Yes, Google, the search engine giant which recently gotten into the lucrative online shopping/e-commerce business, is testing a same-day order fulfillment and delivery service via Google Shopping Express. And believe it or not, your up-and-coming shopping might just be able to offer such as service as well.
It isn’t as complicated as you might imagine. Sure, you’ll need a very efficient order taking call center service. It may even be wise to beef it up with more than a few customer service channels, apart from the traditional telephone—such as email, live chat, a website with a simple yet secure contact form, and even Facebook. Once these are in place, make sure that your order taking reps are friendly and detail-oriented folks who will take down clients’ details as efficiently yet warmly as possible.
Once you have all the details of each customer, the trick is to be in close coordination with your inventory, delivery, and other departments to ensure that each order that is called in or emailed comes through the system and out the door as soon as possible. It’s really about running a well-coordinated machine.
Needless to say, just make sure that each detail is looked after with the utmost attention. From the call to delivery at their doorstep, everything (and we mean everything) must be carefully planned and executed.
And hey, with the Halloween Trick or Treat season coming up, this would be a great opportunity to make the kiddies and their parents happy, by delivering those costume and candy orders as soon as they’re called in. Do it right and pretty soon, your order taking and fulfillment team might just be the talk of the town—just like Google.
Check us out on Order Taking Philippines to know more about our company.
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