Reserve a Seat and a Dish an eRestaurant

As a restaurant owner, have you ever wondered how technology plays a role in your budding business? If you think that the iPad doesn’t have anything to do with serving hot and yummy meals, you might find yourself very far from the now-looming reality of running a restaurant. In fact, it may just be the next big thing—especially when it comes to taking down those orders and reservations.

Yes, Mr. or Ms. Restaurateur, your e-Restaurant might just be around the corner. If you’ve ever been to New York City, you may have heard of a famous Italian-American tavern called De Santos in the West Village. Here, the waiters don’t hand customers a menu booklet, they don’t hold notepads, and they don’t take your credit card to process your payment. All they have in tow are iPads. That’s because everything from orders to payments are done via tapping and swiping on Apple’s en vogue gadget.

Just like De Santos, you can take your restaurant to the next level with a few electronic aids—especially if you have your own customer reservations system. By using an app that can be made available on Android, iOS, or even Blackberry, your customers can simply check out what’s on the menu. Compared to the run-of-the-mill leaflets and flyers that most eateries send out with the Village Voice, the app doesn’t just give clients a peek into what the dish looks like, it can likewise have a very comprehensive description of what they can expect once they sample your specialty. And you’re not limited to just the house specials; your restaurant’s entire menu can be placed at the viewer’s fingertips for “sampling”.

When they’re ready to order, they can simply contact your 24/7 customer call center via traditional phone or by clicking on the “live chat to reserve” link on the app. Here, they can speak to a “waiter” (aka call center agent) who will gladly assist them in picking out their desired dishes. Beyond tapping on an “reserve a dish” link (which can instantly direct the order and reservation details into the system and the kitchen), the app and the agent can even take down such details as number of people expected to arrive, whether they want a smoking or smoke-free section, and even such things as whether the party prefers to reserve a function room.

Moreover, the guest will be assured that his or her booking is in writing as the customer care rep can confirm this by sending out an email to the potential guest.

This, in turn, can be presented once the party shows up at their reserved time. All that’s left is to sit down and enjoy their meal. Simple and stress-free.

Contact us today and find out more about our web site.