Want an Effective Appointment Service? Choose a Caring One

Have you ever called up your doctor or dentist to set an appointment, only to rethink making that trip to have your high uric acid checked? While this may seem absurd to most folks, it does happen—especially if you encounter a rude receptionist or answering service.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, first impressions, they say, do last. Because according to Sarah Wilson of Appletree blogs, “In the customer service world, hard skills (typing, proficiency with software, setting appointments, etc.) are easily enforced, measured and monitored without difficulty”. In other words, your up and coming practice can easily hire any skilled customer service appointment setting call center service.

However, this can lead to some serious problems such as rude call center agents who think that just because you’re inflicted with an ailment, your feelings have likewise been impaired. It is one thing to take down details such as a client’s name, address, contact numbers, and time and date of the follow-up. Yet it is a totally different story when a client doesn’t feel right going through with setting that appointment—thinking that the doctor himself may be just as rude as the person answering the phone.

To avoid such a debacle, it would be an excellent idea to train your appointment setting call center team to be not only knowledgeable about all aspects of your physician’s practice, for instance, but more importantly, to be caring and polite.

Remember that folks who call up your customer service call center are the people with ailments, pending court or civil cases, and those who are looking for such services as insurance and the like. These are, dare we say, distressed folks who need a helping hand. Don’t drive them away from the onset with a call center appointment service that portrays you as a cold-hearted business or law firm. The agents are your front liners—a reflection of what you stand for.

So the next time you think about getting an appointment service, choose one that cares just as much as you do. Now, that’s the way to answer.